Taiba Commodity



We have numbers of commodities to choose from, from spices, herbs, cinnamon, manggosten etc


Our list of commodities has been through several quality control to make sure the best quality for our customer.


Our list of commodities has been through several quality control to make sure the best quality for our customer.

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to global market

Indonesia has great natural and human resources. These two resources support In- donesia's tremendous potential to become an exporting country, both in global and regional markets. In the global market, sustainable management and marketing of plantation, agricultural, forestry and marine products can place Indonesia as a highly competitive producer in the global market.

Indonesia has abundant fertile soil and is a major supplier of various tropical agri- cultural products in the global market. There are so many very high global market demands for organic spices, cinnamon, tropical fruits, spices for medicines and so on. The production of these natural materials not only provides income for the community, but also protects biodiversity.

Therefore we, PT Taiba Komoditi Indonesia are here to be a provider of Indonesian natural commodities that can compete in the global market, with a high potential for export market share, and abundant natural wealth, marketing management and product quality control that we do internally in selecting quality products, we believe can meet the global market demand for export.